Simplify the Scatter Program

An approach to orienting your work and life around more than just blocks of time and hours in the day.

Consider responsibilities and activities that both excite and drain you. Look at your capacity holistically.

Welcome to this 30 minute, self directed program to get everything out of your head and into some basic categories

Tried and true organisational planning tips I’ve used in multiple team environments

Advice I’ve consistently given to many of my consulting clients 

Questions and suggestions to look at your life or business a little differently to gain the peace and order you’re looking for

Best way for you to manage your tasks and responsibilities by quarter, month, week, and day

All in one convenient package for you!

Why use this method?

Have you ever thought about what being organized really means to you? Does it mean a colour coded calendar? Clean files and folders? A weekly schedule that is easily followed?

Or is it more of a feeling of peace and order? With multiple systems and tools available to us, it's easy to feel like we should have our work and personal lives together. Yet somehow we all still struggle with feeling organized.

Clear the mental clutter and ask thoughtful questions to help you build a schedule in your life or business that works for you and is tailored to your unique way of thinking and planning

Who should use this method?

Anyone feeling scattered, overwhelmed or like you don’t have a clear handle on everything going on in your work and/or personal life.

Anyone looking to optimize their current approach to managing time.

Getting Started.

There are no right or wrong answers. Use this for your work, personal life or both. The initial worksheet activity takes 10 minutes and the video course is another 20 minutes.