What is the best way to stay organized, paper planner or digital calendar?
Digital calendars, reminder apps, location alerts and old fashioned paper and pen. With so many options, it’s hard to choose the best tool to keep your business organized.
Here are a few ways I use various tools to stay organized:
I use my digital calendars to schedule appointments, book meetings and set deadline reminders.
My paper planner is for the details! Lists, inspirations and to-dos.
A digital calendar is useful to block off time for themes in your day. Block off mornings for client work, afternoons for emails or admin and evenings for relaxing and spending time with loved ones. These blocks of time may change throughout the week. The idea is that you start each week and day with a clear vision for what you want to accomplish.
A paper planner or notebook is great for recording ideas and notes during phone calls. Taking notes with pen and paper moves you away from your computer and all it’s distractions. Take calls outdoors or looking out a window, you’ll be more tuned into the conversation.
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